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Tzena Tzena Tzena

這首歌對於猶太民族有重要意義,第一個影片裡,樂團第二段是用Hebrew(希伯來語言)唱原文。希伯來語歌詞內容和英文的改編版意思完全不一樣。這是在二戰之後,以色列建國時所寫下的歌曲,作者帶著一種對未來的希望,所以有著 “there will be people there from every nation" 希望 ”大家能不分國界“ 的歌詞。這首歌因為The Weaver這個樂團而變成家喻戶曉的音樂,也有搭配的傳統舞蹈-Hora。大家可以學起來,這也可以成為很有特色營火節目。



Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena

Can't you hear the music playing

In the city square

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena

Come where all our friends will find us

With the dancers there

Tzena, Tzena join the celebration

There'll be people there from every nation

Dawn will find us laughing in the sunlight

Dancing in the city square

Tzena, Tzena, come and dance the Hora

One, two, three, four

All the boys will envy me for

Tzena, Tzena, when the band is playing

My heart's saying

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena

dawn: 破曉

Hora: 猶太傳統舞蹈,特色是大家會圍成一個圓圈跳舞。舞步有很多不同版本,但是大同小異,在各種慶典中常見。 ​​



Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena can’t you hear the music playing

In the village square?

Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena

can’t you hear the music playing

In the village square?

Tzena, Tzena, join the celebration

There’ll be people there from every nation

Dawn will find us dancing in the sunlight Dancing in the village square

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